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How to deal with heating in the use of garden humidifying pump

The garden humidification pump may be accompanied by some problems after it has been used for a period of time. If there are any problems, they should be solved. We can't let them go. Otherwise, it will not work normally, and its service life will be affected.

To solve the heating problem of the garden humidification pump, first confirm the cause of the heating, check whether the engine bearing is broken, whether it is overloaded, whether the blade is damaged, whether the voltage is sufficient, and whether the exhaust filter is invalid because it has not been used for a long time. These factors will cause the heating problem of the humidification pump.

Some of the factors mentioned above can be checked through the troubleshooting method. Although it takes a lot of time to check one by one, the cause can be determined. If it is a bearing replacement, select a stable voltage and replace some failed parts to ensure that the garden humidification pump can operate normally.



Contact: RuoTian.Zhong

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Tel: 0539-8535670


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