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Routine maintenance of garden humidification pump

The garden humidifying pump basically has a maintenance process after use, and the daily maintenance is not complicated. If it is frequently overhauled, there is not much to operate. If it is overhauled only once every long time, there are many items to be overhauled.

After the water pump is stopped, it is necessary to drain the water and remove the sludge inside to avoid blockage caused by sludge. In winter, the pump body will be frozen and the water pipe will be cracked, which will seriously affect its service life.

When the bottom valve, elbow and other cast iron parts of the garden humidifying pump are rusted, they should be brushed clean, then coated with anti rust paint, and then coated with a layer of paint to isolate oxygen contact and avoid corrosion again. Corrosion is mostly caused by the falling of collision paint layer during use.

Repair the bent or severely worn pump shaft of garden humidification pump if it can be repaired, and replace it if it is serious. Regular maintenance and repair shall be carried out. If there is a problem, it can be replaced and maintained to extend its service life.



Contact: RuoTian.Zhong

Phone: 18300100005

Tel: 0539-8535670


Add: Guangdong guangzhou tianhe balance sand too road sand road

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