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Smart Pump Motor Power Saving Tips

The use of intelligent pump itself can be operated intelligently, and it has outstanding performance in energy saving. It can be used in many occasions. Next, I will introduce some tips for saving electricity in daily use.

The intelligent pump has been set to the energy-saving mode when it leaves the factory. If you want to further save energy, most of the cases require energy-saving transformation. If you replace the energy-saving fan motor, the proportion of the total loss of the ventilation loss station is very large, which greatly reduces the ventilation loss, and the energy conservation will also have a significant effect.

Pay attention to whether the lubrication selected in the bearing of the intelligent pump is reasonable, whether the winding is clean and correctly installed, and whether there is good maintenance in general. These are all to ensure whether the motor can save energy during operation.

Whether the selected click is automatically compensated for power, and whether the click load in the intelligent pump can meet the daily use. Do not overload the use, which can save energy and help the maintenance of the motor.



Contact: RuoTian.Zhong

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